Death of a One-Sided Man

Reeks: The Frank May Chronicles


Frank May practices law, but not the glamorous kind. His bread and butter is the sedate sort—writing wills and handling estates. Or more to the point, handling heirs.

Even so, where there’s a will there’s a death. Try as he might, Frank just can’t avoid some of the seedier sides of human existence. And of heirs.

There’s more than one unsavory side to the family Mobius, and Frank has front row seats to the quirks and squabbles of both Mobius deceased and would-be heirs, after the death of two older family members. One, at least, was murdered in his squalid San Francisco apartment, while sitting on a family fortune that appears to be left to a fringe and cultish foundation connected to the victim’s bizarre neighbor. Did she kill the old miser, or was it one of the loving children? Or perhaps the old man’s arrogant attorney or an expectant angel dropped in from Australia?

Frank would prefer not to ask himself such unsettling questions—this is not the bland practice he signed up for. But the questions hold the key to unraveling the massive Mobius estate. And Frank is knee-deep in Mobius ravel.

A QP Mystery, in the series The Frank May Chronicles.

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