All Roads Lead Within
Layla Dorine
- A
- cerulean
- sky
- glittering
- with
- stars.
- A
- young
- man
- with
- no
- direction,
- a
- middle-aged
- man
- holed
- up
- in
- the
- canyon
- he
- retreated
- to
- decades
- before.
- It's
- a
- collision
- course
- filled
- with
- philosophy,
- dead
- poets,
- music,
- dancing,
- and
- conversations
- that
- spill
- from
- one
- day
- to
- the
- next.
- Somewhere
- in
- that
- turbulent
- mix
- of
- history
- and
- dreams,
- they
- discover
- that
- their
- frayed
- edges
- are
- weaving
- together
- to
- create
- a
- friendship,
- and
- with
- a
- few
- more
- loops
- and
- whirls,
- the
- kind
- of
- relationship
- that
- can
- grow
- to
- be
- so
- much more.
pro-mbooks3 : libris