Men of Smithfield: Sam and Aaron
Reeks: Men of Smithfield
LB Gregg
- A
- never-before-published
- Men
- of
- Smithfield
- bookWith
- our
- family's
- legacy,
- Meyers
- B&B,
- in
- the
- flailing
- hands
- of
- me,
- Sam
- Meyers,
- and
- my
- sister
- Wynne,
- we're
- determined
- to
- revive
- the
- place.
- We've
- started
- a
- series
- of
- blind-date
- cooking
- classes,
- and
- taken
- on
- our
- first
- boarder.
- Granddad
- is
- even
- now
- rolling
- in
- his
- grave.Signed
- up
- for
- the
- class
- is
- our
- new
- guest,
- Aaron
- Saunders,
- a
- Californian
- transplant
- who's
- distractingly
- handsome
- and
- clearly
- up
- to
- no
- good.
- I
- can't
- quite
- figure
- him
- out.
- He
- blew
- into
- town
- and
- has
- been
- relentless
- in
- his
- search
- for
- something.The
- sexy
- sneak
- is
- intriguing.
- And
- we've
- had
- a
- steamy
- moment.
- Or
- two.
- But
- now
- I
- can't
- stop
- wondering
- why
- he's
- searching
- in
- secret.
- From
- the
- library
- to
- my
- own
- backyard,
- Aaron
- leaves
- no
- stone
- unturned
- or
- record
- book
- unopened.
- He's
- definitely
- gotten
- my
- attention.
- But
- that
- might
- not
- be
- the
- only
- thing
- he's
- after.44,000 words