Beyond The 3 Barriers


What keeps a spouse from even considering saving their marriage? Why does one person think the marriage is worth saving and can be saved, while their spouse is stuck on believing the marriage is destined for failure?

Barriers block a spouse from seeing possibility, of seeing a path back to love and connection. That's the bad news. Those barriers (there are 3) keep a spouse from seeing the possibilities. The good news is the barriers need not be permanent.

If you want to save your marriage, you want to make sure those barriers do not get in your way. But you also need to understand how to help a spouse move beyond the 3 barriers.

In this brief and straightforward manual, Dr. Baucom tells you the 3 boundaries, so you understand why your spouse is stuck. But more importantly, you will quickly learn the 3 responses to the boundaries. Your response to each boundary makes the difference between stuck/failing and connection/love.

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