The Black Crow
Reeks: The Black Crow
Lee 'Red Oak' Johnson
- The
- first
- stage
- in
- spiritual
- alchemy
- is
- Negredo,
- represented
- by
- the
- Black
- Crow,
- which
- is
- the
- stage
- of
- Awakening
- the
- Sleeping
- Man.
- Before
- Awakening
- can
- occur,
- Stillness
- must
- be
- sought,
- this
- being
- Stillness
- of
- the
- Mind
- and
- Body.This
- course
- book
- is
- focused
- on
- Stillness,
- but
- also
- goes
- into
- many
- of
- the
- rituals
- and
- practices
- that
- are
- to
- be
- performed
- during
- this
- stage
- and
- is
- complimentary
- to
- the
- first
- book,
- The
- Reality
- of
- Things,
- which
- was
- designed
- to
- give
- the
- beginner
- on
- the
- Paths
- a
- solid
- grounding
- in
- their
- knowledge
- and
- understanding
- of
- Magick
- and
- Witchcraft
- in
- general.
- Here,
- we
- continue
- that
- Journey
- with
- more
- theory,
- but
- add
- more
- practice,
- and
- a
- practical
- approach
- to
- your
- daily
- routine
- is given.
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