This is a Jack Ketchum or Jim Thompson style crime thriller, told in the form of a pinhole narrative. It is a tale of one man’s journey on the highway of life, those he encounters, and the relations between them. There are many who seek to appoint themselves as gods over others’ lives, and expect unquestioned obedience to their suggestions. No matter how much we may deny it or scream louder to reaffirm our false beliefs to ourselves and others, the truth always presents it self. How many of us deceive ourselves that we have only the purest motives when they’re really self-serving? The worst of us are merely predators who hide behind the illusion of helping others. The very worst of examples of humanity is a monster who thinks he’s right with God. The exact same techniques of manipulation and control described in this book are used by cult leaders (also corporations and government officials) in their practice of North American cultural value of taking everything we can for ourselves.