Good-Bye, Dubai
Len Forster
- Good-bye,
- Dubai
- is
- based
- on
- the
- handwritten
- diary
- of
- the
- author,
- written
- during
- his
- 105-plus
- days
- as
- an
- inmate
- in
- jail
- in
- Dubai.
- In
- them,
- he
- outlines
- all
- the
- manifest
- problems
- of
- the
- Dubai
- judicial
- system,
- of
- the
- corruption
- of
- its
- police,
- of
- the
- kindness
- that
- he
- discovered
- within
- the
- police,
- and
- the
- frustrations
- that
- he
- experienced
- in
- trying
- to
- extricate
- himself
- from
- an
- utterly
- impossible
- situation.
- Good-bye,
- Dubai
- is
- a
- study
- in
- how
- to
- survive
- in
- the
- most
- impossible
- of
- circumstances
- without
- losing
- one's
- mind
- and
- to
- still
- come
- out
- of
- it
- retaining
- most
- of
- one's sanity.
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