In the mysterious undermountain village of Shejnal, oaths thought lost to time are practiced still. For her hand in fates of the dead men walking, the blood debt is handed down to the centaur charged with caring for what is believed to be the sole survivor of the two men to enter this dark realm. Finally waking to life anew, Mihal will discover a new life and world around him in stark contrast to what his brief brother-in-arms has been given to.
Hidden away in the deepest reaches of the grand Shejnal Temple, the half-snake lamia divinity's lust for the man she has taken for her own is far from sated. Knowing how weak he yet is after their prior relentless twining, the serpentine deity will show him a gentler hand, nursing his health while sating her desires in the same hand. Yet as all ease into their new lives with those who now accompany them, this sheltered peace may not last for long...