Agnes Sharp and the Trip of a Lifetime
Reeks: Miss Sharp Investigates
Leonie Swann
- This
- highly
- anticipated
- follow-up
- to
- The
- Sunset
- Years
- of
- Agnes
- Sharp
- finds
- Agnes
- and
- her
- octogenarian
- friends
- face-to-face
- with
- a
- killer
- after
- winning
- a
- trip
- to
- a
- beautiful
- hotel
- in
- the
- seaside
- town
- of
- CornwallThe
- year
- is
- rapidly
- drawing
- to
- an
- end,
- Hettie
- the
- tortoise
- is
- hibernating
- and
- Agnes,
- Charlie,
- Marshall,
- and
- the
- other
- elderly
- residents
- of
- Sunset
- Hall
- are
- going
- stir-crazy
- at
- home.
- They’ve
- had
- enough
- of
- the
- broken
- boiler,
- drafty
- bedrooms,
- and
- Christmas
- jingles
- on
- the
- radio.
- And
- to
- top
- it
- off,
- another
- series
- of
- murders
- is
- rocking
- the
- hamlet
- of
- Duck
- End.
- It
- seems
- like
- every
- villager
- and
- his
- dog
- is
- trying
- to
- make
- up
- for
- all
- of
- the
- thwarted
- murders
- of
- the
- past
- thirty
- years.Most
- unpleasant!
- The
- residents
- of
- Sunset
- Hall
- don’t
- want
- anything
- to
- do
- with
- the
- criminal
- activities.
- So
- when
- Edwina
- manages
- to
- sneak
- onto
- Marshall’s
- computer
- and
- promptly
- wins
- a
- stay
- in
- an
- exclusive
- coastal
- hotel
- in
- Cornwall,
- the
- Sunset
- Hall
- crew
- doesn’t
- waste
- any
- time
- in
- deciding
- to
- join
- her.
- After
- all,
- Edwina
- can’t
- be
- left
- unsupervised.But
- they’ve
- barely
- unpacked
- their
- bags
- when
- Agnes
- sees
- something
- unsettling:
- two
- figures
- in
- hoods
- walk
- away
- from
- the
- hotel
- along
- the
- cliffs,
- but
- only
- one
- returns.
- Worried
- she’s
- witnessed
- a
- murder,
- Agnes
- tells
- the
- others.
- At
- first
- nobody
- really
- believes
- her—the
- crew
- has
- enough
- to
- do
- working
- their
- way
- through
- the
- incredible
- menu,
- exploring
- the
- hotel’s
- wellness
- landscape,
- navigating
- old
- and
- new
- love
- affairs
- and
- adopting
- a
- boa
- constrictor.
- But
- when
- the
- hotel
- ends
- up
- isolated
- from
- the
- outside
- world
- after
- a
- storm,
- it
- becomes
- clear
- that
- a
- murderer
- really
- is
- on
- the
- loose—and
- they’re
- trapped,
- just
- like
- the
- other guests!