Trains, Planes And Taxicabs


A comic tale of disaster following disaster, the story follows the attempt of Jim Tubbs to travel from the UK mainland to the Channel Island of Jersey to sell furniture. It was a simple plan – fly out, do the job he was so well paid to do, then fly back. It didn't happen that way.
While Jim was away his marriage is collapsing, not that he'd worry too much about that, and his secretary is deciding that she really doesn't want an affair with her boss any more.
So Jim was having a really bad time failing to reach Jersey and back home everything he held dear was collapsing. But as Jim really isn't the most likeable of men it's quite fun – and easy – to laugh at him as the disasters mount, one on top of another.
And just wait until the drunk appears: you might even feel a spark of sympathy for Jim just then!

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