- Contains
- Active
- Table
- of
- Contents
- (HTML)
- and
- in
- the
- end
- of
- book
- include
- a
- bonus
- link
- to
- the
- free
- audiobook.
- Tolstoy's
- epic
- masterpiece
- intertwines
- the
- lives
- of
- private
- and
- public
- individuals
- during
- the
- time
- of
- the
- Napoleonic
- wars
- and
- the
- French
- invasion
- of
- Russia.
- The
- fortunes
- of
- the
- Rostovs
- and
- the
- Bolkonskys,
- of
- Pierre,
- Natasha,
- and
- Andrei,
- are
- intimately
- connected
- with
- the
- national
- history
- that
- is
- played
- out
- in
- parallel
- with
- their
- lives.
- Balls
- and
- soirees
- alternate
- with
- councils
- of
- war
- and
- the
- machinations
- of
- statesmen
- and
- generals,
- scenes
- of
- violent
- battles
- with
- everyday
- human
- passions
- in
- a
- work
- whose
- extraordinary
- imaginative
- power
- has
- never
- been
- surpassed.
- The
- prodigious
- cast
- of
- characters,
- seem
- to
- act
- and
- move
- as
- if
- connected
- by
- threads
- of
- destiny
- as
- the
- novel
- relentlessly
- questions
- ideas
- of
- free
- will,
- fate,
- and
- providence.
- Yet
- Tolstoy's
- portrayal
- of
- marital
- relations
- and
- scenes
- of
- domesticity
- is
- as
- truthful
- and
- poignant
- as
- the
- grand
- themes
- that
- underlie
- them.
- The
- last
- word
- of
- the
- landlord's
- literature
- and
- the
- brilliant
- one
- at
- that.
- —Fyodor
- Dostoyevsky
- The
- best
- ever
- Russian
- historical
- novel.
- —Nikolai
- Leskov
- One
- of
- the
- most
- remarkable
- books
- of
- our
- age.
- —Ivan
- Turgenev
- This
- is
- the
- first
- class
- work!…
- This
- is
- powerful,
- very
- powerful
- indeed.
- —Gustave
- Flaubert
- The
- best
- novel
- that
- had
- ever
- been
- written.
- —John
- Galsworthy
- This
- work,
- like
- life
- itself,
- has
- no
- beginning,
- no
- end.
- It
- is
- life
- itself
- in
- its
- eternal
- movement.
- —Romain
- Rolland
- The
- greatest
- ever
- war
- novel
- in
- the
- history
- of
- literature.
- —Thomas
- Mann
- There
- remains
- the
- greatest
- of
- all
- novelists
- —
- for
- what
- else
- can
- we
- call
- the
- author
- of
- "War
- and
- Peace"?
- —Virginia
- Woolf
- Tolstoy
- is
- the
- greatest
- Russian
- writer
- of
- prose
- fiction.
- —Vladimir Nabokov
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