Steel Stroke
Deepwood Mountain: McCafferty Mechanics
Reeks: Deepwood Mountain: McCafferty Mechanics
Lexi Hayes
- I'm
- no
- knight
- in
- shining
- armor—but
- I
- can't
- walk
- away
- from
- her.When
- Lily
- needed
- a
- savior
- that
- night
- in
- the
- parking
- lot
- of
- the
- Rustic
- Ridge
- Bar,
- I
- stepped
- in
- to
- teach
- her
- scumbag
- ex-boyfriend
- a
- lesson.But
- offering
- her
- my
- couch
- and
- a
- job
- at
- my
- shop
- was
- a
- turn
- that
- surprised
- even
- me.She's
- much
- too
- young—all
- defiance
- and
- desperation—hiding
- an
- artist's
- soul
- underneath
- her
- threadbare
- clothes.
- Life's
- already
- chewed
- her
- up,
- but
- damn
- if
- she
- doesn't
- keep
- spitting
- the
- bones
- back.I
- told
- myself
- I
- was
- just
- helping
- her
- get
- back
- on
- her
- feet,
- but
- she's
- instantly
- turned
- the
- shop
- into
- a
- shiny,
- well-oiled
- machine
- and
- has
- stolen
- the
- hearts
- of
- my
- crew.
- And
- hell...she's
- got
- mine
- in
- a
- chokehold.I
- should
- leave
- her
- alone.
- She
- doesn't
- need
- a
- man
- twice
- her
- age,
- still
- nursing
- scars
- from
- a
- failed
- marriage,
- holding
- her
- back.Yet
- every
- glance,
- every
- sweet
- smile,
- and
- every
- fiery
- touch
- has
- my
- rusty
- engine
- revving
- like
- it's
- got
- something
- to
- prove.She
- dares
- me
- to
- feel
- again,
- wanting
- things
- that
- I've
- long
- since
- buried.But
- am
- I
- the
- man
- she
- deserves?Steel
- Stroke
- is
- short,
- steamy,
- instalove
- romance
- full
- of
- swoony
- sparks
- and
- second
- chances—where
- a
- lonely
- motorcycle
- mechanic
- crosses
- paths
- with
- a
- young
- woman
- fighting
- for
- a
- better
- life.Whether
- it's
- romantic
- midnight
- rides
- under
- the
- stars,
- steamy
- kisses
- against
- chrome
- and
- steel,
- or
- searing
- touches
- amidst
- the
- grease
- and
- gears,
- the
- irresistible
- men
- of
- McCafferty
- Customs
- in
- the
- small
- town
- of
- Deepwood
- Mountain,
- Montana,
- are
- ready
- to
- rev
- your
- engines
- and
- take
- you
- on
- the
- ride
- of
- a lifetime.
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