We have to make many choices every day in our busy lives, from deciding not to press the 'snooze' button to selecting a salad over a pizza for lunch. Each of these simple decisions may have a lingering impact on our health and other aspects of our life. To lead a healthy and productive life, we may need to make the right decisions to benefit our health and master our lifestyle.
Optimizing our life to become happier, healthier and more productive is the ambition of this Ebook. It is designed to be part of the Lifestyle Master program, taking you on a journey to optimum health. The program does not promise that you can lose '50 pounds in 50 days' or 'get rock hard abs' by doing daily activities and taking magic diet pills. The Lifestyle Master is a serious programs no gimmicks, no deception and no guarantees. This Ebook is part of a program that puts you in control by making healthy choices, smart decisions and optimizing your health.
Because more than one point of view might be valid and that diet and lifestyle are not exact one fit all sciences, we will be exploring different authors, points of views and compiling research from the most prestigious universities. This will ensure that the program brings you the best advice you can dream on while giving you pragmatic goals and clear directions to help you on your journey to optimum health.
This first Ebook in the series of the Lifestyle Master Ebooks focuses on consuming 100% raw organic foods, with an emphasis on fruit to improve your health and lifestyle. Eating all natural foods can often be expensive and overly complicated, so this Ebook provides plenty of low-cost recipes that are easy to make. It includes recipes on soups, salads, entrees and desserts that are all natural to help you achieve optimum health. In addition to eating healthy and taking control of your diet, you will find information on detoxifying your body, balancing your emotional states and improving your physical health.
The Lifestyle Master program is part of the Campaign for Aging Research, a tax deductable non-profit organization that has for mission to give everyone a new perspective on life in regards to the aging experience and life expectancy.