Egg Gravy
Butter in the Well, #3
Reeks: Butter in the Well
Linda K. Hubalek
- Authentic
- Recipes
- from
- the
- Butter
- in
- the
- Well
- SeriesButter
- in
- the
- Well
- Series,
- Book
- 3Faded
- recipes.
- We've
- all
- come
- across
- them
- from
- time
- to
- time
- in
- our
- lives,
- either
- handwritten
- by
- ourselves
- or
- by
- another
- person
- in
- our
- family,
- or
- as
- old
- yellowed
- newspaper
- clippings
- stuck
- in
- a
- cookbook
- of
- sorts.While
- doing
- research
- for
- the
- Butter
- in
- the
- Well
- series,
- the
- author
- found
- old
- recipes
- and
- home
- remedies
- along
- with
- family
- and
- community
- histories.These
- recipes
- had
- been
- handwritten
- in
- old
- ledger
- books,
- on
- scraps
- of
- paper,
- in
- the
- margins
- of
- old
- cookbooks
- and
- forever
- etched
- in
- the
- memories
- of
- those
- pioneer
- women's
- children
- that
- Linda
- Hubalek
- interviewed.As
- a
- result,
- Egg
- Gravy
- is
- a
- collection
- of
- recipes
- the
- pioneer
- women
- used
- during
- their
- homesteading
- days.
- Most
- of
- the
- recipes
- can
- be
- traced
- back
- to
- the
- original
- women
- that
- homesteaded
- the
- real-life
- setting
- of
- Butter
- in
- the
- Well.
- Antique
- family
- photos
- add
- a
- personal
- feel
- to
- the
- cookbook."From
- Green
- Pumpkin
- Pie,
- Caramel
- Ice
- Cream,
- and
- Smoked
- Pig
- Paunch
- to
- Christine's
- Fruit
- Cake,
- Apple
- Sauce
- Cake,
- and
- Rhubarb
- Marmalade,
- these
- are
- culinary
- samplings
- of
- a
- yesteryear
- that
- would
- grace
- any
- menu
- today."—Midwest
- Book Review
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