This collection of flash fiction (short, short) stories leads an intriguing path to Christmas, using multiple genres. “Christmas In A Flash,” is a collection of flash fiction Christmas stories that capture the spirit of Christmas in the lives of everyday people. Rather than depicting what constitutes the Christmas spirit, these stories explore what it is to each character. Each story ranges from 650 to 800 words – which is much shorter than a short story.
The Harvest: Christmas Eve provides a special lessen when a family is stranded during a snow storm.
Lamplight: When the electricity goes out, Zelda lights the lamp and illuminates the error of her ways.
Christmas Is For The Kids: Cindy and Eric are struggling through their first Christmas without children in the house. Eric finds a solution that helps not only them, but others as well.
The Visitor: Bright lights, expensive gifts and a fancy meal isn’t what Christmas is about. Something else is much more important.
Poinsettia: When a young girl befriends an “old” lady, she finds more than a career choice. She learns a valuable Christmas lesson.
Christmas @ Heart: An old woman is all alone at Christmas except for her computer; but people don’t send emails on Christmas – do they?
Christmas On The Farm: For the farmer, Christmas is like any other day. Animals must be fed and cared for. Still, Christmas surprises can occur anywhere.
Fanciful Christmas: On the planet of Nadeje, life is different from Earth, but they haven’t forgotten their Christmas roots.
In The Twilight: When a woman has a stroke, she is limited by her negative outlook. She has a Christmas revelation that changes her mind.
Tropical Christmas: A vacation to a tropical island for Christmas reminds a family what the holiday is about.
The Brightest Lights: A Christmas light contest gets out of hand and threatens a friendship.
Under The Mistletoe: A father is missing during WWI, but the family is determined to make Christmas happy.
A Warm Christmas: A family decides to have a family Christmas get-together where it is warm – in the Arizona desert. Everything doesn’t work out quite like they expected.