The Remix
How to Lead and Succeed in the Multigenerational Workplace
Lindsey Pollak
- A
- Wall
- Street
- Journal
- and
- Financial
- Times
- book
- of
- the
- monthMillennials
- have
- become
- the
- largest
- generation
- in
- the
- U.S.
- workforce,
- and
- Generation
- Z
- workers
- are
- right
- behind
- them.
- Leaders
- and
- organizations
- must
- embrace
- the
- new
- ways
- of
- working
- that
- appeal
- to
- the
- digital-first
- generations,
- while
- continuing
- to
- appeal
- to
- Baby
- Boomers
- and
- Generation
- X,
- who
- will
- likely
- remain
- in
- the
- workforce
- for
- decades
- to
- come.Within
- any
- organization,
- team,
- meeting,
- or
- marketing
- opportunity,
- you
- will
- likely
- find
- any
- combination
- of
- generations,
- each
- with
- their
- own
- attitudes,
- expectations,
- and
- professional
- styles.
- To
- lead
- and
- succeed
- in
- business
- today,
- you
- must
- adjust
- to
- how
- Millennials
- work,
- continue
- to
- accommodate
- experienced
- colleagues
- and
- pay
- attention
- to
- the
- next
- generations
- coming
- up.
- The
- Remix
- shows
- you
- how
- to
- adapt
- and
- win
- through
- proven
- strategies
- that
- serve
- all
- generations’
- needs.
- The
- result
- is
- a
- workplace
- that
- blends
- the
- best
- of
- each
- generation’s
- ideas
- and
- practices
- to
- design
- a
- smarter,
- more
- inclusive
- work
- environment
- for
- everyone.As
- a
- leading
- expert
- on
- the
- multigenerational
- workplace,
- Lindsey
- Pollak
- combines
- the
- most
- recent
- data
- with
- her
- own
- original
- research,
- as
- well
- as
- detailed
- case
- studies
- from
- Fortune
- 500
- companies
- and
- other
- top
- organizations.
- Pollak
- outlines
- the
- ways
- businesses,
- executives,
- mid-level
- managers,
- employees,
- and
- entrepreneurs
- can
- tackle
- situations
- that
- may
- arise
- when
- diverse
- styles
- clash
- and
- provides
- clear
- strategies
- to
- turn
- generational
- diversity
- into
- business
- opportunity.Generational
- change
- is
- impacting
- all
- industries,
- all
- types
- of
- organizations,
- and
- all
- leaders.
- The
- Remix
- is
- an
- essential
- guide
- for
- anyone
- looking
- to
- navigate
- today’s
- multigenerational
- workplace,
- which
- is
- more
- diverse
- and
- varied
- than
- ever before.
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