Just Like Jackie
Lindsey Stoddard
- Family
- is
- family,
- no
- matter
- what
- it
- looks
- like.
- Readers
- will
- cheer
- for
- this
- pitch-perfect
- story,
- just
- right
- for
- fans
- of
- such
- books
- as
- The
- Great
- Gilly
- Hopkins
- and
- Fish
- in
- a
- Tree.For
- as
- long
- as
- Robinson
- Hart
- can
- remember,
- it’s
- just
- been
- her
- and
- Grandpa.
- He
- taught
- her
- about
- cars,
- baseball,
- and
- everything
- else
- worth
- knowing.
- But
- Grandpa’s
- memory
- has
- been
- getting
- bad—so
- bad
- that
- he
- sometimes
- can’t
- even
- remember
- Robbie’s
- name.She’s
- sure
- that
- she’s
- making
- things
- worse
- by
- getting
- in
- trouble
- at
- school,
- but
- she
- can’t
- resist
- using
- her
- fists
- when
- bullies
- like
- Alex
- Carter
- make
- fun
- of
- her
- for
- not
- having
- a
- mom.Now
- she’s
- stuck
- in
- group
- guidance—and
- to
- make
- things
- even
- worse,
- Alex
- Carter
- is
- there
- too.
- There’s
- no
- way
- Robbie’s
- going
- to
- open
- up
- about
- her
- life
- to
- some
- therapy
- group,
- especially
- not
- with
- Alex
- in
- the
- room.
- Besides,
- if
- she
- told
- anyone
- how
- forgetful
- Grandpa’s
- been
- getting
- lately,
- they’d
- take
- her
- away
- from
- him.
- He’s
- the
- only
- family
- she
- has—and
- it’s
- up
- to
- her
- to
- keep
- them
- together,
- no
- matter
- what.Praise
- for
- Just
- Like
- Jackie:"I
- was
- truly
- moved
- by
- this
- refreshing
- story
- about
- a
- scrappy
- young
- heroine
- and
- her
- struggle
- to
- protect
- her
- family."—Sara
- Pennypacker,
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- author
- of
- Pax“Just
- Like
- Jackie
- is
- a
- lovely
- story
- of
- acceptance—about
- what
- makes
- a
- family
- and
- how
- we
- make
- our
- own
- families,
- and
- about
- embracing
- our
- differences.”—Ann
- M.
- Martin,
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- author
- of
- Rain
- Reign"A
- fresh
- coming-of-age
- novel
- as
- feisty,
- funny,
- and
- forthright
- as
- its
- protagonist.
- Robinson
- overcomes
- obstacles
- with
- wit,
- grit,
- and
- a
- growing
- compassion
- for
- others,
- showing
- us
- that
- families
- are
- what
- we
- make
- them
- and
- happiness
- is
- found
- in
- the
- simple
- gifts
- we
- take
- for
- granted.
- A
- rich,
- rewarding
- read
- all
- around."—John
- David
- Anderson,
- author
- of
- Ms.
- Bixby's
- Last
- Day“As
- close
- to
- perfect
- as
- a
- book
- for
- middle
- grade
- children
- can
- get!”—Cammie
- McGovern,
- author
- of
- Just
- My
- Luck?
- "Stoddard
- debuts
- with
- a
- quiet
- but
- powerful
- narrative
- that
- gently
- unpacks
- Alzheimer’s,
- centers
- mental
- health,
- and
- moves
- through
- the
- intimate
- and
- intense
- emotional
- landscape
- of
- family—what
- seems
- to
- break
- one
- and
- what
- can
- remake
- it.
- Validating,
- heart-rending,
- and
- a
- deft
- blend
- of
- suffering
- and
- inspiration."—Kirkus
- Reviews
- (starred
- review)“A
- home-run
- story
- that
- will
- resonate
- with
- all
- who
- feel
- they
- might
- not
- fit
- into
- the
- perfect
- definition
- of
- a
- family.”—School
- Library
- Journal“Debut
- author
- Stoddard
- crafts
- a
- winning
- narrator
- in
- Robinson.
- A
- beautiful
- story
- about
- the
- true
- meaning
- of
- family,
- perfect
- for
- fans
- of
- Lynda
- Mullaly Hunt.”—Booklist
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