A Window to Magickal Herbalism


A beginner's guide to the world of Magickal Herbalism in twelve parts

This book is not intended to treat or cure any disease.

Herbal remedies contained within are intended for simple common aliments and for use by adults. Always consult your physican or trusted medical professional before use.A Window to Magickal Herbalism is for the beginning Magickal Herbalist to be used as a guide in their practices. Information contained within includes;Discusses terms/meanings/definitionsNecessary toolsMethods for preserving, growing, storing, and harvesting herbs--including some in the wildMethods for administering herbal remediesSimple herbal remedies for everyday problemsHerbal folkloreHerbal associations with planets, zodiac, deities, the Wheel of the Year Use of herbs in Rituals of Life, Death, and other Celebrations Also contains a long list of crystals and stones as well as their uses Everything you need to know to start down the path to Magickal Herbalism

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