Lighthouses of the World
130 World Wonders Pictured Inside
Lisa Purcell
- Readers
- say
- it
- best:
- "fascinating
- book"
- with
- "beautiful
- photos"
- and
- "information
- regarding
- all
- kinds
- of
- light
- houses"
- ancient
- times
- until
- the
- present,
- lighthouses
- have
- symbolized
- safety,
- homecoming,
- and
- the
- seafaring
- way
- of
- life.
- Lighthouses
- of
- the
- World
- provides
- gorgeous
- full-color
- photos
- showcasing
- lighthouses
- from
- around
- the
- world.
- From
- the
- Barnegat
- Lighthouse
- on
- Long
- Beach
- Island,
- to
- the
- ancient
- Kõpu
- Lighthouse
- in
- Estonia
- (first
- constructed
- in
- 1531),
- Lighthouses
- of
- the
- World
- traverses
- continents
- in
- order
- to
- provide
- stunning
- color
- photography
- and
- illustration
- showing
- the
- many
- different
- lighthouses
- that
- man
- has
- constructed
- over
- the centuries.
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