Look Behind You
Safe In His Arms, #3
Reeks: Safe In His Arms
Lise Guilbault
- Danger
- doesn’t
- always
- lurk
- in
- the
- shadows.
- Sometimes,
- monsters
- walk
- among
- us,
- learn
- our
- secrets,
- pretend
- to
- hold
- our
- hand
- when
- we
- need
- it
- the
- most.
- Claire
- unknowingly
- allows
- such
- a
- monster
- to
- enter
- her
- world,
- to
- become
- part
- of
- her
- life.
- Unfortunately
- for
- her,
- discovering
- his
- true
- identity
- just
- might
- come
- too late.
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