Good Faith
Stewart Realty, #9
Reeks: Stewart Realty
Liz Crowe
- Brandis
- Gordon
- struggles
- to
- maintain
- control
- as
- he
- ricochets
- between
- wild
- success
- and
- miserable
- failure
- as
- an
- energetic
- boy,
- an
- athletic
- teen,
- and
- young
- adult,
- proving
- time
- and
- again
- how
- even
- the
- strongest
- relationships
- can
- be
- strangled
- by
- the
- ties
- that
- bind.Blair
- Freitag
- spent
- her
- entire
- life
- in
- close
- contact
- with
- her
- family's
- friends,
- the
- Gordons.
- But
- when
- her
- obsession
- with
- the
- boy
- who
- at
- one
- time
- was
- nothing
- but
- a
- teasing
- nuisance,
- blossoms
- into
- a
- strength
- of
- will
- that
- Brandis
- comes
- to
- depend
- on
- a
- little
- too
- much,
- all
- bets
- are
- off.A
- chronicle
- of
- three
- families
- navigating
- teen
- years
- minefields,
- into
- the
- turbulence
- of
- young
- adulthood,
- Good
- Faith
- holds
- up
- a
- mirror
- to
- contemporary
- life,
- unflinchingly
- reflecting
- life's
- joys
- and
- temptations.
- Somewhere
- between
- the
- tangle
- of
- good
- memories
- and
- bad,
- independence
- and
- addiction,
- optimism
- and
- despair,
- the
- intertwined
- destinies
- of
- the
- new
- Stewart
- Realty
- generation
- collide,
- leaving
- some
- stronger,
- others
- broken,
- but
- none unscathed.
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