Rilla of Ingleside
Reeks: Unabridged Start Publishing LLC
Lucy Maud Montgomery
- Rilla
- of
- Ingleside
- is
- the
- final
- book
- in
- the
- Anne
- of
- Green
- Gables
- series,
- but
- was
- the
- sixth
- of
- the
- eight
- "Anne"
- novels.
- This
- book
- draws
- the
- focus
- back
- onto
- a
- single
- character,
- Anne,
- and
- Gilbert's
- youngest
- daughter,
- Bertha
- Marilla
- "Rilla"
- Blythe.
- It
- has
- a
- more
- serious
- tone,
- as
- it
- takes
- place
- during
- World
- War
- I
- and
- the
- three
- Blythe
- boys--
- Jem,
- Walter,
- and
- Shirley--
- along
- with
- Rilla's
- sweetheart
- Ken
- Ford,
- and
- playmates
- Jerry
- Meredith
- and
- Carl
- Meredith--
- end
- up
- fighting
- in Europe.
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