The Short Stories from 1909-1922
Lucy Maud Montgomery
- Lucy
- Maud
- Montgomery
- was
- born
- at
- Clifton
- (now
- New
- London),
- Prince
- Edward
- Island,
- Canada,
- on
- November
- 30,
- 1874.
- She
- achieved
- international
- fame
- in
- her
- lifetime,
- putting
- Prince
- Edward
- Island
- and
- Canada
- on
- the
- world
- literary
- map.
- Best
- known
- for
- her
- "Anne
- of
- Green
- Gables"
- books,
- she
- was
- also
- a
- prolific
- writer
- of
- short
- stories
- and
- poetry.
- She
- published
- some
- 500
- short
- stories
- and
- poems
- and
- twenty
- novels
- before
- her
- death
- in 1942.