Jake Bakes a Monster Cake
Lucy Rowland
- Jake
- is
- baking
- a
- birthday
- cake
- for
- his
- best
- friend
- Sam.
- But
- his
- sweet
- treat
- turns
- monstrous
- when
- his
- friends
- help
- out:
- spider
- legs,
- rotten
- eggs,
- slugs
- and
- slime
- are
- definitely
- not
- in
- Jake's
- recipe
- book!
- Sam
- could
- be
- in
- for
- a
- very
- smelly
- surprise!From
- the
- brilliant
- author
- and
- illustrator
- team
- behind
- Pirate
- Pete
- and
- His
- Smelly
- Feet,
- Lucy
- Rowland
- and
- Mark
- Chambers,
- the
- bright,
- bold
- illustrations
- bring
- life
- to
- the
- brilliantly
- funny
- rhyming story.