Magic: Symbols and Texts of Magic


Here, the magic is studied in its linguistic and semiotic aspects and is defined as well:
Magic is objectified language and symbols to operate with power over the world by a magician to the particular interest of an user into a community, whose interaction constitutes a system.
The study demands specific and analytical tools as well:

  • The Linguistics and Semiotics to study the expression of magic.
  • The Information Theory and its science involved (Dianetics and Bioenergetics) to show how magical effectiveness is reached.
  • The Theory of Post-modernity to analyze the scenic characteristics of magical ritual. The theatre aesthetics of magic is important for producing emotional reactions toward healing by the magical action.
  • The Theory of Speech Act and Philosophy of Symbolic Forms to show how manages to operate the magic with power over the world and its creatures.
  • The Theory of Discourse to establish the structure of magical discourse.
  • The Theory of Symbols to establish the symbolic structure of magic.
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