With their predilection for warfare Zohex united the tribes of Tellurium to face the enemy. Telllurium is destroyed.
Outback Australia. A Medicine Man invokes his Culture Hero Bahloo.
Martin Ferguson a PhD candidate investigates mysterious deaths at his once family's farm in the Napier Valley. Reacquaints himself with Jimmy an old hand who is that Medicine Man. Max a friend of Martin notifies The Countess in West Berlin of the Napier as she searches globally for psychic phenomena that Martin has such proof.
Professor Semenov in Moscow researching potential psychontric sites informs the GRU of a location in Balkh Afghanistan.
A group operating out of Peshawar become aware of the need to secure a special shrine the Soviets are alerted to.
In Varanasi two devotees of Kali are shown the way to Mount Meru in the Hindu Kush.
As does the Countess's team from one of her agents out of Iraq. Who meet Martin and his friend Max in Kathmandu after tragedy struck and Australia is abandoned.
With their Black Mandala an adept from a Monastery in present day Kathmandu enters ancient Vahnsin. There Zohex arouses the animus of the archimage Shaviscara. Devasi, sister of the king, a weakling who obeys the lethal Lethena to have Devasi sacrificed so she can rule, instead escapes.
Zohex is about to conquer a continent and gain the world for his mentors from beyond the stars.
The Politburo realise Kamal and Taraki are tearing Afghanistan apart.
Ruling Vahnsin few survive Zohex's occult effects, most tribes submit. But Zohex makes a cardinal mistake.
Brezhnev comes to a decision. The Soviets occupy Balkh. Gain the prize. Set off a civil war.