Think “Good Omens” on steroids!
Soon-Li returned to the small table and again looked at the spread before her. She hadn’t told Cynthia everything the cards showed! Two cards held her attention, the Devil and the Death card. Soon-Li shuddered as she stared at the devil card. It showed naked people chained to the god Pan the half-man/half goat. The people were engaged in every indulgence imaginable: sex, drugs, drinking, overeating and gambling. Positioned next to the devil card was the death card. Soon-Li crossed herself, grabbed her holy water and sprinkled it around her shop. Suddenly she felt a cold breeze in the little shop, and the candles on her table blew out. Sensing an evil presence she, trembled with fear grabbed her bag and fled the small shop.
A small imp floated down from the ceiling and watched as the woman fled. He glanced down at the cards on the table, studied them for a moment, and then disappeared.