How Not to Sound Stupid When You Write
Write Faster Series, #2
Reeks: Write Faster Series
Lynda McDaniel
- *
- Do
- you
- dread
- writing?
- Are
- you
- unsure
- of
- grammar
- and
- writing
- rules?
- Are
- you
- ready
- to
- start
- writing
- confidently?How
- Not
- to
- Sound
- Stupid
- When
- You
- Write
- can
- make
- that
- last
- one
- happen!
- I
- wrote
- this
- second
- book
- in
- my
- Write
- Faster
- Series
- as
- a
- companion
- to
- my
- award-winning
- Words
- at
- Work
- so
- I
- could
- share
- even
- more
- writing
- tips
- and
- tools.
- I've
- helped
- hundreds
- of
- executives
- and
- employees,
- authors
- and
- bloggers
- overcome
- their
- fear
- of
- writing
- and
- start
- writing
- with
- confidence.
- Whether
- you're
- working
- on
- reports
- and
- emails,
- books
- and
- blogs,
- or
- social
- media
- and
- resumes,
- you'll
- write
- them
- faster
- and
- stronger—with
- even
- better
- results.Say
- goodbye
- to
- all
- those
- niggling
- and
- nagging
- problems
- with
- writing.
- Start
- faster
- and
- find
- more
- time
- to
- write;
- refresh
- your
- grasp
- of
- style,
- punctuation,
- and
- grammar;
- discover
- shortcuts
- to
- your
- writing
- success;
- and
- relax
- knowing
- you're
- on
- the
- right
- path."Business
- writing
- godsend!
- Everyone
- who
- writes
- should
- have
- this
- book.
- They'll
- soon
- be
- sailing
- through
- blogs,
- bios,
- proposals,
- books,
- and
- more!"
- *—*Jenny
- Capella,
- author
- of
- Your
- Dream
- TeamYou'll
- learn
- dozens
- of
- practical
- tips
- and
- techniques
- on
- how
- to:The
- Write
- Faster
- Series
- also
- includes
- Words
- at
- Work
- and
- How
- to
- Write
- Stories
- that Sell.