The Blood Traitor
The gripping finale of the epic fantasy The Prison Healer series
Reeks: The Prison Healer
Lynette Noni
- 'Lynette
- Noni
- is
- a
- marvelous
- and
- inventive
- storyteller'
- Sarah
- J
- MaasShe'd
- failed
- them.
- All
- of
- them.
- And
- now
- she
- was
- paying
- the
- price.Kiva
- thought
- she
- knew
- what
- she
- wanted-revenge.
- But
- feelings
- change,
- people
- change
- .
- .
- .
- everything
- has
- changed.After
- what
- happened
- at
- the
- palace,
- Kiva
- is
- desperate
- to
- know
- if
- her
- friends
- and
- family
- are
- safe,
- and
- whether
- those
- she
- wronged
- can
- ever
- forgive
- her.
- But
- with
- the
- kingdoms
- closer
- to
- the
- brink
- of
- war
- than
- they've
- ever
- been,
- and
- Kiva
- far
- away
- from
- the
- conflict,
- more
- is
- at
- stake
- than
- her
- own
- broken
- heart.A
- fresh
- start
- will
- mean
- a
- perilous
- quest,
- forcing
- mortal
- enemies
- and
- uneasy
- allies
- together
- in
- a
- race
- against
- the
- clock
- to
- save
- not
- just
- Evalon,
- but
- all
- of
- Wenderall.
- With
- her
- loyalties
- now
- set,
- Kiva
- can
- no
- longer
- just
- survive-she
- must
- fight
- for
- what
- she
- believes
- in.
- For
- who
- she
- believes
- in.
- But
- with
- danger
- coming
- from
- every
- side,
- and
- the
- lives
- of
- everyone
- she
- loves
- at
- risk,
- does
- she
- have
- what
- it
- takes
- to
- stand,
- or
- will
- she
- fall?PRAISE
- NONI'Lynette
- Noni
- is
- a
- master
- at
- her
- craft'
- James
- Dashner'Very
- talented'
- Terry
- Brooks'Lynette
- Noni's
- compelling
- stories
- keep
- readers
- turning
- pages
- to
- the
- very
- end'
- Juliet
- Marillier'A
- masterful
- storyteller'
- Maria
- V. Snyder
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