The Gilded Cage
the thrilling, unputdownable conclusion to The Prison Healer
Reeks: The Prison Healer
Lynette Noni
- **'**Lynette
- Noni
- is
- a
- marvelous
- and
- inventive
- storyteller,
- whose
- books
- are
- absolutely
- impossible
- to
- put
- down'
- Sarah
- J
- Maas,
- #1
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- authorThe
- magical
- and
- exciting
- sequel
- to
- The
- Prison
- Healer
- from
- Australia's
- #1
- YA
- author
- Lynette
- Noni.Kiva
- Meridan
- is
- a
- survivor.She
- survived
- not
- only
- Zalindov
- prison,
- but
- also
- the
- deadly
- Trial
- by
- Ordeal.
- Now
- Kiva's
- purpose
- goes
- beyond
- survival
- to
- vengeance.
- For
- the
- past
- ten
- years,
- her
- only
- goal
- has
- been
- to
- reunite
- with
- her
- family
- and
- destroy
- the
- people
- responsible
- for
- ruining
- their
- lives.
- But
- now
- that
- she
- has
- escaped
- Zalindov,
- her
- mission
- has
- become
- more
- complicated
- than
- ever.As
- Kiva
- settles
- into
- her
- new
- life
- in
- the
- capital,
- she
- discovers
- she
- wasn't
- the
- only
- one
- who
- suffered
- while
- she
- was
- in
- Zalindov-her
- siblings
- and
- their
- beliefs
- have
- changed
- too.
- Soon
- it's
- not
- just
- her
- enemies
- she's
- keeping
- secrets
- from,
- but
- her
- own
- family
- as
- well.Outside
- the
- city
- walls,
- tensions
- are
- brewing
- from
- the
- rebels,
- along
- with
- whispers
- of
- a
- growing
- threat
- from
- the
- northern
- kingdoms.
- Kiva's
- allegiances
- are
- more
- important
- than
- ever,
- but
- she's
- beginning
- to
- question
- where
- they
- truly
- lie.
- To
- survive
- this
- time,
- she'll
- have
- to
- navigate
- a
- complicated
- web
- of
- lies
- before
- both
- sides
- of
- the
- battle
- turn
- against
- her
- and
- she
- loses
- everything.***
- ***'Lynette
- Noni
- is
- a
- master
- at
- her
- craft*'*
- James
- Dashner,
- author
- of
- The
- Maze
- Runner'A
- very
- talented
- writer'
- Terry
- Brooks,
- author
- of
- The
- Sword
- of
- Shannara'Lynette
- Noni's
- compelling
- stories
- keep
- readers
- turning
- pages
- to
- the
- very
- end'
- Juliet
- Marillier,
- author
- of
- the
- Sevenwaters
- series'A
- masterful
- storyteller'
- Maria
- V.
- Snyder,
- author
- of
- the
- Poison
- Study
- series'When
- Lynette
- Noni
- opens
- the
- door
- to
- another
- world,
- don't
- hesitate:
- jump
- in
- and
- enjoy'
- Trudi
- Canavan,
- author
- of
- The
- Black
- Magician trilogy
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