Treacherous Business
Lynette S. Jones
- Found
- innocent
- of
- Kari
- Sutherland's
- murder,
- Gennie
- immerses
- herself
- in
- running
- the
- employment
- agency
- she
- and
- Kari
- had
- established.
- Her
- best
- friend's
- death,
- Tim's
- betrayal,
- and
- the
- ensuing
- accusations
- had
- almost
- destroyed
- her.
- Gennie
- still
- carries
- a
- torch
- for
- Kari's
- fiance,
- Tim,
- now
- her
- silent
- partner
- in
- the
- agency.
- When
- history
- appears
- to
- be
- repeating
- itself,
- Gennie
- and
- Tim
- are
- forced
- to
- sort
- through
- their
- past
- relationship
- as
- they
- work
- together
- to
- discover
- the
- truth
- about
- Kari's
- death
- before
- Gennie
- becomes
- the
- next victim.
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