Reeks: The Sonora Blair Mysteries
Lynn Hightower
- This
- edge-of-the-seat
- thriller
- from
- Shamus
- Award–winning
- author
- Lynn
- Hightower
- plunges
- Cincinnati
- homicide
- detective
- Sonora
- Blair
- into
- a
- case
- with
- a
- high-profile
- suspect—and
- a
- chilling
- link
- to
- an
- unsolved
- murderThere
- are
- times
- when
- Sonora
- Blair
- hates
- being
- a
- cop—for
- instance,
- the
- day
- distraught
- husband
- and
- father
- of
- two
- Butch
- Winchell
- walks
- into
- the
- Cincinnati
- PD
- to
- report
- his
- wife
- missing.
- A
- mutilated
- corpse
- has
- been
- found
- along
- Interstate
- 75
- between
- Kentucky
- and
- Tennessee,
- and
- the
- body
- parts
- might
- belong
- to
- Julia
- Winchell.
- Eight
- years
- earlier,
- when
- Julia
- was
- a
- student
- at
- the
- University
- of
- Cincinnati,
- she
- witnessed
- a
- murder.
- When
- the
- body
- disappeared,
- no
- one
- believed
- her.
- But
- Julia
- never
- forgot
- it,
- and
- was
- compiling
- notes
- and
- articles
- that
- would
- point
- the
- finger
- at
- a
- shocking
- suspect.District
- Attorney
- Gabe
- Caplan
- is
- Cincinnati’s
- golden
- boy—a
- champion
- of
- the
- underdog,
- a
- defender
- of
- law
- and
- order,
- and
- a
- man
- shadowed
- by
- a
- tragic
- past.
- Eight
- years
- ago,
- his
- pregnant
- wife
- was
- brutally
- murdered,
- leaving
- behind
- their
- two-year-old
- daughter.
- Now
- Gabe
- is
- on
- the
- verge
- of
- scoring
- a
- major
- victory
- in
- a
- high-profile
- case.
- Sonora’s
- gut
- tells
- her
- the
- two
- murders
- are
- linked,
- but
- how
- can
- she
- prove
- it
- when
- she’s
- up
- against
- a
- DA
- who
- knows
- how
- to
- work
- the
- system—and
- whose
- current
- pregnant
- wife
- could
- be
- in
- mortal
- danger?Eyeshot
- is
- the
- 2nd
- book
- in
- the
- Sonora
- Blair
- Mysteries,
- but
- you
- may
- enjoy
- reading
- the
- series
- in
- any order.
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