Five and Daemon (Yo-Yo Files #1)

Reeks: The Yo-Yo Files


Demon-chaser Johnny, along with his partner, Cerise, head for the small town of Carroll Fork after Cerise sees daemonflash, the telltale sign of demonic presence, in the video made by a local preacher. Something very strange is going on in the quiet, rural town. Low-order demons seem to be everywhere- bound in hats, scarves, even jewelry worn by the townspeople. They trace the source of the demons to Miss Lucy’s Emporium, a second-hand shop run by an elderly woman.
Investigating the shop, Johnny and Cerise discover it is populated by an assortment of imps, sprites, and other nuisance demons. One goes home with each article sold in the shop, causing a series of small accidents, clumsiness, and general mischief. And Miss Lucy herself turns out to be much more than the sweet, tea-and-cookies grandmotherly type.
It’s a devil of a spot to be in, and even Johnny’s trusty yo-yo may not be enough to handle this problem. He’ll need all his skills, the help of a local waitress, and maybe a bit of divine intervention to free Carroll Fork and its townspeople from Miss Lucy and her demonic army.

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