The Aviator Awakening is a Psychological SciFi featuring a Jason-Bourne-meets-Murderbot type character in a contained (and alien) setting. This story will appeal to readers who enjoy character-driven Space Opera with some elements of horror and slow-burn romance.
The Aviator is pretty sure he's being lied to—but, with no memories to rely on and the weight of a dying species placed on his shoulders, he decides to comply with his training and search for answers to his lost past along the way. The problem? The more progress he makes with his new cybernetic ability, the tighter his leash becomes. He discovers one saving grace in the mess of his situation—a mischievous mechanic and her reptilian vorgon colleague, both of whom are Imperial operatives assigned to manage him. As he comes closer to reaching his goal and graduating from the research department, glimpses of the larger powers manipulating his circumstances begin to seep through. To make matters worse, his training continually blurs the line between man and machine and the threat of being returned to the doctor's lab looms larger. His search for who he is gradually becomes overshadowed by the complication of what he has become—human, machine, or Imperial property?