Valkyrie's Song
M.D. Lachlan
- M.D.
- Lachlan's
- brooding
- and
- powerful
- tales
- of
- Vikings,
- Norse
- gods
- and
- werewolves
- have
- already
- won
- praise
- from,
- amongst
- others,
- Joe
- Abercrombie,
- Adam
- Roberts,
- Mike
- Carey
- and
- Chris
- Wooding.With
- an
- original
- and
- terrifying
- take
- on
- magic,
- an
- ability
- to
- bring
- the
- Norse
- gods
- to
- vivid
- life
- on
- the
- page,
- a
- keen
- historical
- eye
- and
- a
- knack
- for
- fast-moving
- and
- brutally
- effective
- plots,
- M.D.
- Lachlan's
- series
- has
- won
- over
- critics,
- fellow
- authors
- and
- readers
- alike.VALKYRIE'S
- moves
- the
- action
- to
- Norman
- England
- and
- the
- Harrowing
- of
- the
- North.
- An
- immortal
- wolf
- and
- an
- immortal
- woman
- are
- on
- the
- run,
- fighting
- for
- their
- lives.
- They
- carry
- a
- magic
- within
- them,
- runes
- which
- flare
- with
- power
- when
- brought
- together.
- But
- others
- hold
- runes
- of
- their
- own,
- and
- the
- runes
- desire
- to
- be
- united.And
- when
- they
- are,
- Ragnarok
- will come.
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