M. Glenn Baxter in his first book of fiction evades scribing a boring historical account of One World Power Evil that is babbled in Social Media by sellers of survival goods reporting on (EPPT’S) elite parasite political traitors. He investigates by connecting all the dots under the guise of a fictional character Logan Lang.
Logan Lang like Edgar Casey is a Christian secluded in nature. He communicates through prayer with the Lord Creator of the Universe the father of Jesus. Through the miracle frequency of love directed to the creator of the Universe, Logan as a child of the lord is empowered through manifestations from the higher monolithic power. Logan uses Tesla’s frequency that was stolen by J.P. Morgan and other Illuminati members of Satan’s black oil greed destroyers of planet earth.
The Universe empowers Logan and his two cohorts in covert investigations with consciousness to seek the truth. By consciousness, he means telepathic, teleportation powers, time travel, and shape changing to go into the past, present, and the future.
Michael Evans, is a deceased CIA Mossad asset who while living was tasked with carrying out covert ops across the world. He carried out a number of black ops and assassinations in different countries. His partner turned on him. But Michael gained the upper hand. Knowing they planned to assassinate him and his wife, he withheld blackmail intelligence, blew the whistle on them and went off the reservation for several years. Unfortunately, 5 years later his beaten body turned up on a Panama beach. Michael is one mean and pissed off spiritual being.
Norsteria is a Goddess reigning over another Universe outside the Universal realm of our Lord Father the monolithic creator of all things. She was a Viking princess baby who was kidnapped by and sacrificed in a burning “Tophet.” She is the avenger of children showing no mercy on pedophiles. Her number is 73 and until now she is unknown to all the Crypto Satanic followers of the Talmud worshiping 72 Gods. She will be revealed in all her mysterious force in future scripture by the author.
Readers will board a stolen space craft from the large hanger in Area 51 and soar with the fictional heroes around the world and into outer space. They report to Mr. X as they investigate and connect the historical and biblical dots leading up to an End Time Apocalypse. Will Planet X the destroyer referred to as "Wormwood" in the Book of Revelation bring forth a pole shift with earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and hurricanes causing worldwide destruction and the last super bowl? Only God knows!