"This is a new punk style novel that any fan of cyberpunk, Neo-noir style punk or any other reader of the overall genre will absolutely fall in love with!" Reviewer's Bookwatch
Cyberpunk? This ain't it. Steam-punk? Wrong again. This is New-Burn® Coal-punk, set in the present of a slightly altered, not too distant future. Belay that, call it future-punk and be done with it.
Global warming fixes have overshot their mark and boomeranged the world into global cooling. With global cooling came the flooding of the lower Great Lakes. Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland, Toronto, etcetera—all flooded out. A majority of the refugees have been relocated to The Zone, the formerly name Twin Ports of Duluth, MN and Superior, WI—now the third largest city in the North American Protectorate, and easily the coldest.
Four people are drawn together in this wintry port city on the far western edge of Lake Superior. —Dolores Manning, a shrewd, New York femme fatale chasing her ex-husband and the money he stole from her. —Wally Moon, back from his fifth combat tour, on three different continents, in a world perpetually at war. —Julie Newman, recently a civilian, laying low and wondering if it's paranoia, or is someone really after her. —Finally, Danny "Java" Vacha (Vuh-SHAY)—who is definitely NOT a private detective. What he is is a combat vet who lives as far off the skyline as possible. However, he has been known to occasionally look into things and, perhaps, to settle the odd score or two for people. And with all the dry-grade digital and wet-grade bio military enhancements he has endured, he can be quite effective at that job.
In Wally Moon's words, "Think of Java as Robin Hood… with a lead pipe.
Bundle up and enter their bleak world. And watch your back.