In a world where every life is written into existence by enchanted quills, reality itself hinges on the Inkbound Guild—a secretive order of scribes who control the fates of kingdoms and people alike. But when Kaelith Vyn, a rogue scribe, uncovers a terrifying truth about the Undoing—a force that erases lives and history—she risks everything to write a forbidden prophecy. Her act of defiance sparks chaos, leaving behind a single enchanted quill that holds the power to save or destroy everything.
The quill falls into the hands of Arden Vale, a street urchin born without a destiny, whose very existence defies the Guild's order. Pursued by monstrous creatures and vengeful scribes, Arden must team up with an unlikely band of rebels: Lyra, a cursed princess trapped in tragic cycles of love; Finnian, a disgraced scribe seeking redemption; and Zephyr, a mysterious "Blank" immune to the magic of fates. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to the heart of the living library, where reality itself is written.
As the Undoing spreads and the fabric of existence unravels, Arden faces an impossible choice: rewrite the stars and risk unimaginable loss, or let fate consume the world. With themes of defiance, redemption, and the transformative power of stories, Rewrite the Stars is a sweeping tale that will captivate readers who believe in the magic of rewriting their own destinies.