The Atonement Demon

The Astrals Series, #1

Reeks: The Astrals Series


Lucifer, King of Hell, has a problem. The domain he has ruled over for thousands of years is getting full.

The Astrals of Heaven have noticed, and have given him a deadline to sort it out. So Lucifer comes up with a plan...

Meanwhile, on Earth, Lily is planning to kill herself. Now forty-five years old, she has lived with despair for too long. Then a handsome young Demon named Aden pays her a visit, offering her a fresh start.

Lily is transported to Hell, where she is transformed into a Demon - young, gorgeous, immortal, and with incredible powers. She even gets a new name.

She joins Lucifer's army of Atonement Demons and returns to Earth under strict instructions to follow the King's plan. Make bad humans see the error of their ways, turn them into good humans, so when they die they avoid Hell, therefore solving his overcrowding problem.

But can humans really change? The newest Atonement Demon soon has her doubts.

As her powers grow stronger, she starts to see there's another way, a better way, a chance to do some real good.

It puts her on a collision course with Lucifer himself. Is she strong enough to take him on?

The Atonement Demon is a fantasy/sci-fi crossover. It is the first book in the Astrals Series.

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