- Mason
- receives
- a
- mysterious
- invitation
- from
- Violet
- to
- come
- to
- Athens,
- and
- the
- two
- of
- them
- travel
- to
- a
- mysterious
- island
- together.
- In
- the
- caves
- on
- the
- island,
- they
- experience
- many
- dangers,
- fight
- monsters,
- and
- discover
- ancient
- murals,
- mysterious
- objects,
- and
- huge
- fossil
- skeletons.
- As
- they
- explore
- further,
- they
- continue
- to
- solve
- mysteries,
- encounter
- various
- traps
- and
- challenges,
- and
- gradually
- approach
- the
- core
- area
- of
- the
- ancient
- ruins.
- In
- the
- process,
- they
- also
- discover
- mysterious
- crystals,
- strange
- creatures,
- and
- the
- approach
- of
- dark
- forces,
- and
- finally
- continue
- to
- explore
- the
- secrets
- of
- the
- ancient
- ruins
- in
- the
- midst
- of difficulties.
pro-mbooks3 : libris