
The Belgian writer Felix Sperans has been diagnosed as a psychiatric patient and has remained one for almost fifty years now. Inspite of this disability he writes and paints, resulting in twenty-five published books and almost a thousand paintings. This is not at all surprising when one realizes that Felix did all these during his manic periods. It doesn’t end there. He also has a mission; to help the street children of Manila.

Felix Sperans is also the co-author of the bestseller ‘Bij de psychiater’ (‘In Therapy’). He wrote this book with Professor Marc De Hert, Chief Physician of the University Psychiatric Clinic Kortenberg (Belgium). That book was als translated into English and Japanese. ‘In Therapy’ is the English edition of ‘Bij de psychiater’.

Since then, Felix Sperans has written several controversial books, among which the best known are undoubtedly ‘Psychiatrie verkeerdt’ ( ‘Psychiatry Gone Wrong’), ‘Psychiater vermoord’ (‘One Psychiatrist Down’ ), ‘Gesprekken met gekken’ (‘Talks With Lunatics’), ‘Leuven spreekt’ (‘Louvain Speaks’) etc. Yet, he surpasses himself in ‘Bliksem in mijn hoofd’ (‘Lightning in My Head’). This is partly due to the literary contribution of his Filipino wife Myriam, who penned the half of this book.

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