Self Heal


“Everything in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases, which is not orthomolecular (natural for the human organism), fails.” - Carl Linus Pauling

We are a part and product of Nature. We last millions of years thanks to the abundance of natural resources and the ability of our organisms to self-regulate and self-heal. Unfortunately, the development of civilization, the measure of which is the control and power over nature, as well as the accumulation of social institutions and products of human activity, caused that in terms of health we succumb to the dictatorship of conventional medicine. Convinced that only pharmaceutical substances are true and effective in solving health problems, we are unaware of our ability to correct imbalances in the organism.
However, Nature created us from living cells that react to chemicals produced by the organism without the help of any external factors except energy and substrate. Man-made substances will not change the nature of how the human body functions, but they can affect it if we agree to it.

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