How I Became Beautiful
Mária Berger
- "How
- I
- Became
- Beautiful"
- is
- an
- authentic
- and
- moving
- story
- about
- a
- journey
- from
- deep
- self-doubt
- to
- inner
- strength,
- self-love,
- and
- true
- beauty.
- The
- author
- candidly
- reveals
- her
- childhood
- marked
- by
- bullying,
- low
- self-esteem,
- and
- feelings
- of
- invisibility.
- Yet,
- she
- also
- shows
- how
- she
- overcame
- her
- inner
- critic
- and
- gradually
- built
- a
- new
- perspective
- on
- herself
- and
- the
- world
- around
- her.One
- of
- her
- sources
- of
- inspiration
- was
- Marilyn
- Monroe
- –
- an
- icon
- of
- beauty
- and
- femininity.
- In
- this
- book,
- the
- author
- explores
- how
- Monroe's
- magnetism
- and
- confidence
- influenced
- those
- around
- her
- and
- reflects
- on
- how
- similar
- principles
- can
- be
- applied
- in
- everyday
- life.
- True
- beauty
- is
- not
- just
- about
- outward
- appearance
- but
- about
- the
- power
- of
- thoughts
- that
- shape
- our
- reality.The
- book
- combines
- personal
- testimony
- with
- practical
- tools,
- such
- as
- affirmations,
- thought
- work,
- and
- spiritual
- principles,
- which
- can
- help
- readers
- on
- their
- own
- journey.
- It
- is
- enriched
- with
- scientific
- insights
- into
- how
- our
- thoughts
- and
- emotions
- affect
- not
- only
- our
- inner
- state
- but
- also
- our
- appearance.If
- you
- are
- seeking
- inspiration
- to
- overcome
- self-doubt,
- embrace
- yourself,
- and
- become
- the
- best
- version
- of
- who
- you
- are,
- this
- book
- is
- a
- guide
- to
- lead
- you
- through
- a
- path
- few
- dare
- to
- walk.
- Because
- true
- beauty
- is
- not
- just
- about
- how
- you
- look
- –
- it's
- about
- how
- you feel.
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