In less than a generation, the country has seen its democratic government dismantled and replaced by a ruthless totalitarian regime. Set in the not-too-distant future, the United States is now run by the Authorities, who control every aspect of people's daily existence. Travel, entertainment, education, sexual expression, and even religion are severely restricted.
Baltimore native Marty Broder wants little more than a steady job and a relatively peaceful life for himself and his partner Eddie Williamson. But his bosses at work are exasperating, and the constant threat of incarceration in a Prison Camp and the fear of the ubiquitous armed guards make that hope unattainable.
Is escape from the country a realistic possibility? Eddie seems sure that it is, but Marty is more skeptical. The country's borders are heavily guarded and dangerous to cross. Marty has friends in a well-organized resistance, who are ready to help him. But will that be enough for them to make their way to freedom, or will their dreams prove to be nothing more than a delusion?