A Realm on Fire


Gunnr is a Valkyrie, one of those warrior women who glide through the sky on their white winged steeds, golden armor drenched in the blood of their enemies. She despises the Realm, but she knows that within it still lies hope and beauty worth fighting for. Her enemy in the struggle to come is a witch of infamy. A woman vivacious and beguiling, the subject of a thousand books and ten thousand stories.

The Realm is not our world, but it could be. It is beautiful: great rivers, tropical lands, shining palaces and hidden kingdoms. Yet it is ugly: its leaders are blinded by cupidity, the malevolent are powerful, the innocent are trampled.
It is a world inhabited by mortals and by the Gods. Once the divine were simply witches, good and bad, but now they rule everyone and everything. From above, they harvest the adulation of the masses, burnish their egos, and fight tooth and nail for victory in The Chase. But there is danger in their coddled existence. They have lost sight of what matters and with that comes ignorance of the threats hurtling toward their world. Something wicked is coming for them – to take its revenge. It comes for the Realm also.
A Realm on Fire is the first installment of a fantasy tale. In it we will find devotion to die for, tragedy, love and, of course, monsters.

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