Mark Munroe spent 12 years experiencing what it is like to be a Firefighter in the City of New York or FDNY. He spent countless hours with the members of Haz-Mat 1, Engine 288, Rescue 4, Engine 292 and at the World's Busiest Firehouse, Engine 290 & Ladder 103 in East New York, Brooklyn. He spent long weekends, holidays and even weeks at a time "Buffing" in some of the most decaying neighborhoods of NYC. He witnessed rescues, major fires, murders and firehouse pranks. He experienced incidents that some firefighters may never witness and gives the reader an inside and in depth look at what it is like to be an FDNY Firefighter. As a retired firefighter, he is able to give other firefighters a look at what it is like to work for a busy fire department and for the average person who, has always wondered what life in like in the firehouse.