Land's End (Mills & Boon Love Inspired)
Marta Perry
- Confused
- and
- angry,
- Dr.
- Sarah
- Wainwright
- returned
- to
- the
- Georgia
- island
- of
- St.
- James
- in
- search
- of
- answers
- to
- her
- husband's
- mysterious
- death–in
- an
- apparent
- lovers'
- tryst
- with
- the
- wife
- of
- wealthy
- industrialist
- Trent
- Donner.Anger
- seemed
- to
- be
- the
- only
- edge
- Sarah
- had–Trent's
- control
- of
- the
- island
- and
- his
- protectiveness
- for
- his
- young
- daughter
- were
- enough
- to
- drive
- even
- this
- scandal
- back
- into
- the
- shadows.A
- man
- whose
- life
- depended
- on
- keeping
- his
- secrets;
- a
- woman
- whose
- future
- depended
- on
- learning
- the
- truth–could
- her
- quest
- set
- them
- free,
- or
- would
- it
- destroy
- them all?