Butterflies of Great Britain
Martin J. Hibbs
- Martin
- has
- been
- photographing
- wildlife
- for
- over
- forty
- years.
- Although
- he
- likes
- all
- creatures,
- Martin
- has
- a
- particular
- interest
- in
- insects
- and
- has
- long
- been
- amazed;
- both
- by
- their
- fragility,
- and
- by
- their
- amazing
- strength.Whilst
- out
- with
- his
- camera,
- Martin
- has
- noticed
- how
- some
- people
- have
- great
- difficulty
- identifying
- the
- various
- butterfly
- species
- to
- be
- found
- in
- the
- U
- .K.
- countryside
- and
- through
- this
- publication,
- he
- hopes
- to
- remedy
- this
- situation,
- by
- giving
- detailed
- information
- and
- photographic
- examples
- for
- each
- species,
- top
- wings,
- underwings
- and
- differences
- between
- the
- sexes.Featuring
- many
- rare
- photographs
- of
- butterflies
- in
- flight,
- showing
- rarely
- seen
- views
- of
- their
- upperwings,
- this
- in
- depth
- pictorial
- guide
- is
- designed
- to
- help
- with
- accurate
- identification.
- With
- many
- U.K.
- species
- now
- in
- sharp
- decline,
- this
- is
- particularly
- important
- for
- recording
- purposes
- so
- that
- rare
- species
- can
- be
- identified
- and
- their
- habitat
- protected.When
- not
- photographing
- wildlife,
- Martin
- also
- spends
- much
- of
- his
- time
- as
- an
- author,
- writing
- therapy
- and
- self
- help
- books.
- Using
- the
- pen
- name
- Martin
- has
- also
- published
- many
- children's
- educational
- books
- which
- have
- been
- purposely
- designed
- to
- teach
- children
- about
- life
- issues,
- their
- personal
- safety
- and
- the
- environment,
- using
- a
- series
- of
- human
- and
- animal
- characters
- as
- role models.