Last Line Last Circle
Massimo Nibbi
- Hans
- Jeger
- is
- a
- nice
- guy
- and
- lives
- in
- the
- 5th
- South
- West
- of
- the
- Federation,
- where
- only
- border
- towns
- have
- names.
- All
- the
- others
- have
- been
- numbered
- according
- to
- their
- position.Ten
- Circles,
- one
- inside
- the
- other.
- The
- First
- is
- the
- beating
- heart
- of
- it
- all,
- while
- the
- Last
- is
- the
- embankment
- where
- the
- outcasts
- survive
- the
- day.Strict
- rules
- establish
- the
- assignment
- of
- Social
- Points,
- points
- which
- added
- together
- determine
- the
- Circle
- in
- which
- to
- live
- and
- the
- possibility
- of
- being
- able
- to
- move
- from
- one
- city
- to
- another.Political
- power,
- Economic
- Corporations,
- Police,
- Army,
- and
- Inquisition
- are
- the
- cogwheels
- of
- a
- mechanism
- that
- seems
- to
- have
- no
- weak
- points.
- Hans
- Jeger
- however,
- despite
- him,
- will
- be
- able
- to
- track
- down
- a
- weak
- point
- and,
- trapped
- between
- a
- sense
- of
- duty
- and
- conscience,
- he
- will
- risk
- ending
- up
- crushed
- under
- those
- same
- wheels
- that
- were
- supposed
- to
- protect
- him.Thanks
- to
- its
- armored
- helicopters
- and
- Inquisitors,
- deadly
- as
- poisonous
- snakes,
- the
- Federation
- has
- redesigned
- a
- civilization
- in
- which
- its
- strength
- appears
- invincible.But
- anyone
- who
- has
- learned
- something
- from
- history
- knows
- that
- no
- one
- is
- truly invincible.
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