Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake
A Novel
Mazey Eddings
- "Mazey
- Eddings’s
- writing
- is
- authentic,
- emotional,
- and
- intensely
- romantic!
- To
- me,
- it’s
- like
- a
- Taylor
- Swift
- song
- in
- book
- form."
- -
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- author
- Ali
- HazelwoodMazey
- Eddings
- mixes
- passion
- and
- humor
- to
- create
- a
- luscious
- love
- story
- between
- two
- people
- stumbling
- through
- life
- and
- learning
- to
- open
- their
- hearts
- in
- Lizzie
- Blake’s
- Best
- Mistake.Lizzie
- has
- made
- endless
- mistakes.
- Kitchen
- fires,
- pyramid
- schemes,
- bangs
- (of
- the
- hair
- and
- human
- variety),
- you
- name
- it,
- she’s
- done
- it…
- and
- made
- a
- mess
- of
- it
- too.
- One
- mistake
- she’s
- never
- made
- is
- letting
- anyone
- get
- closer
- to
- her
- than
- a
- single
- hook-up.
- But
- after
- losing
- yet
- another
- bakery
- job
- due
- to
- her
- uncontrolled
- she
- breaks
- her
- cardinal
- rule
- and
- has
- a
- two-night-stand
- that
- changes
- everything.Once
- burned,
- twice
- shy,
- Rake
- has
- given
- up
- on
- relationships.
- And
- feelings.
- And
- any
- form
- of
- intimacy
- for
- that
- matter.
- Yet
- something
- about
- charming,
- chaotic
- Lizzie
- has
- him
- lowering
- his
- guard.
- For
- two
- nights,
- that
- is.
- Then
- it’s
- back
- home
- to
- Australia
- and
- far
- away
- from
- the
- pesky
- feelings
- Lizzie
- pulls
- from
- him.
- But
- when
- Lizzie
- tells
- him
- she’s
- got
- an
- unexpected
- bun
- in
- the
- oven,
- he’ll
- do
- whatever
- it
- takes
- to
- be
- a
- part
- of
- his
- child’s
- life…
- except
- be
- emotionally
- vulnerable,
- obviously.
- He’s
- never
- going
- to
- make
- that
- mistake
- again.Through
- a
- series
- of
- mishaps,
- totally
- “platonic”
- single
- bed
- sharing,
- and
- an
- underground
- erotic
- baking
- scheme,
- Lizzie
- and
- Rake
- learn
- that
- even
- the
- biggest
- mistakes
- can
- have
- the
- most
- beautiful
- consequences.*USA
- Today
- bestselling
- author
- Evie Dunmore